Digital Transformation Services for Insurance

Award-winning Insurtech digital transformation services for a reasonable price
insurance contract

Staying competitive and relevant in the insurance market requires embracing digital transformation. Our services enable insurance companies to leverage cutting-edge technologies, enhance customer experiences, and optimize processes. By choosing the digital transformation strategy, your insurance business is guaranteed to adapt to dynamic market demands, reduce operational costs, and remain in demand in an ever-changing landscape, ensuring their long-term success and resilience.


Advantages of Digital Transformation in Insurance

Apply digital transformation services for insurance from PLANEKS and unlock the following key benefits for your business.


Improved Customer Experience

Deliver personalized, seamless, and omnichannel experiences that today's policyholders expect from a credible business. Our insurtech software development services enable you to engage with customers in real time, providing instant support and tailored services that enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Streamline processes, reduce manual work, and cut operational costs with cutting-edge custom software. Anything required, from life insurance or health insurance digital transformation to claims processing and policy management, you can optimize your workflows with our certified tech-savvy team, focusing on high-value tasks.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

By choosing insurance industry digital transformation services, you can fully leverage the power of data analytics to make informed decisions. We at PLANEKS can create a custom solution to transform data into actionable insights, helping you identify market trends, assess risk more accurately, and refine your business strategies.

Scalability and Agility

Become more outstanding with digital transformation in insurance by rapidly adapting to changing market dynamics. Our scalable software solutions’ creation empowers your company to expand your offerings, enter new markets, and implement changes swiftly when needed, ensuring long-term success.

Stay at the forefront of the insurance market by choosing comprehensive digital transformation services from PLANEKS. Our core focus is to empower insurance companies with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in the current market. Incorporating everything from employing advanced data analytics to streamline operations to developing customer-centric digital platforms, we tailor your software to deliver efficiency, innovation, and sustainable growth.


Our Services

At PLANEKS, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the digital transformation for insurance. We specialize in the four core areas that drive innovation, efficiency, and growth. However, if your request exceeds them, we will eagerly assist you as well since our expertise extends to a broad spectrum of services.

Legacy System Modernization

The insurance industry often has to deal with outdated legacy systems that distract businesses from progress and agility. Our legacy system modernization services are aimed at the elevation of your existing infrastructure. We leverage the latest technologies to enhance and optimize your legacy systems, ensuring they align seamlessly with your evolving business objectives. By modernizing your systems, you can reduce operational complexities, enhance security, and lay the foundation for future innovation.

Cloud Services

Cloud infrastructure is the core of digital transformation in the insurance industry, offering the highest scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Our cloud services enable you to harness the full potential of cloud computing. You are borderless within your choice: we will assist you in anything like migrating your operations to the cloud, developing cloud-native applications, or optimizing your cloud environment. The PLANEKS team provides end-to-end solutions that empower your business to become a market leader in the insurance industry.

Digital Strategy

Navigating the digital landscape requires a well-defined strategy. Our insurance digital transformation consulting and strategy services are designed to help you outline an efficient and prosperous path toward success. We collaborate cohesively with insurance companies to comprehend your business objectives, industry dynamics, and customer needs. Equipped with this set of requirements, we design a comprehensive digital strategy that encompasses everything from customer experience enhancement to process optimization. Our strategic guidance ensures that your progressive digital initiatives align with your overall business goals.

API Development & Integration

Application Programming Interfaces are the core mediators of seamless data exchange and functionality between systems. API development and integration services from PLANEKS empower your business to unlock the full potential of your software ecosystem. We design, develop, and implement robust APIs that enable secure, seamless, and efficient data transmission. Integrate with third-party services, connect internal systems, or create a platform for partners; our API creation and integration services are tailored to your unique requirements.
API Integration Services
99 %


$ 120 mln




Which type of Insurance solution do you need?

Our Insurtech Digital Transformation Solutions

We understand the distinctive challenges that the insurance sector faces in the digital market. To address them and bring maximum value to your business, we offer your business a range of software solutions from robotic process automation to custom software development.

Customer Portals

Deliver outstanding customer experiences by building cutting-edge customer portal solutions with PLANEKS. Сustomer portals are aimed at enhancing engagement and satisfaction by providing policyholders with easy access to essential information, self-service opportunities, and modules, as well as seamless communication channels. With our development services, you can build dedicated customer relationships while streamlining your procedures.

Claims Processing Automation

You can transform your claims processing operations with specialized automation software implemented by our certified team. By adopting advanced technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) and RPA (robotic process automation), we enable your company to automate time-consuming and failure-prone tasks, resulting in accelerated, efficient, and more accurate claims processing. In cooperation with PLANEKS, you will build claims automation solutions that are guaranteed to improve productivity, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Compliance Automation

Staying compliant with dynamic regulations is a constant obstacle in the insurance sector. We can create compliance automation software that will simplify this process by automating compliance checks, reporting, and documentation. Assure that your operations adhere to the latest industry standards and regulatory requirements while minimizing compliance-related risks in parallel.

Data Integration for Insurance

Efficient data management is at the core of successful insurance operations. With data integration solutions developed by PLANEKS, you’ll be able to seamlessly connect disparate systems and data sources to make use of the full potential of data associated with underwriting, customer, financial details, historical claims, and risk assessment.


What do people praise about PLANEKS?

Become the insurance market winner with PLANEKS. Introduce innovation to your business and stay competitive. At PLANEKS, we offer more than just tech services, we offer a comprehensive consultation and analysis of your business to bring in the future of insurance efficiently. Our cutting-edge technologies and approaches, combined with deep industry expertise, allow your business to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive sustainable growth.

    Let's help you!

    It's out pleasure to have a chance to cooperate.

    man processing an insurance claim
    insurance agent talking to a client