How to Estimate Software Development Time

clocks in the water

Accurate software development time estimation sets the foundation for successful project management, timely delivery, and adherence to the established budget. Yet, it’s an aspect that may challenge even the most profound teams, with 25% of projects failing due to poor estimates, as per FinancesOnline. Miscalculations in these terms lead to blown budgets, missed deadlines, and unsatisfied stakeholders. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

This guide will equip you with proven strategies and practical methods on how to estimate software development time. We’ll also cover the factors that can make or break your calculations and learn how to employ techniques like expert judgment, parametric estimation, and more. With solid estimation skills, you’ll transform your project planning from guesswork into a well-structured, organized, and predictable process. Boost your team’s productivity and set your business up for delivering projects on time and within budget every time.

Understanding the Basics of Software Development Time Estimation

Effective software development time estimation refers to forecasting the amount of time and resources required to complete a software development project, from initial concept to final deployment. Accurate estimation guarantees that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet stakeholder expectations. Nevertheless, it’s not just about assigning hours to tasks. This process is pretty complex and requires a deep examination of various influencing factors.

One common misconception is that software development time estimation has a one-size-fits-all approach. Many assume that by applying a generic formula, they can accurately predict the timeline for any project. Furthermore, each software project is outstanding, with its own set of challenges, technologies, and requirements. Consequently, time estimations must be tailored to the specific project at hand, taking into account its particularities.

Key Factors Influencing Estimations

You should essentially incorporate the following critical factors into your estimation process to develop more reliable and realistic project timelines. This way, you can efficiently manage expectations and increase the likelihood of project success.

Keep in mind that software development time estimates are tricky and often full of challenges. To avoid all the pitfalls that accompany the calculation process and achieve the most accurate result, you can delegate this task to professionals by applying to top-quality offshore software development services. Outsourcing IT vendors have a rich background in making accurate estimates and applying diverse approaches and tools so they can individually examine your specific case and equip you with the results of the highest precision.

Project Scope and Complexity

The accuracy of project estimates is heavily impacted by the scope and complexity of the project. When the scope is clear and well-defined, it becomes simpler to predict the time and resources needed. In contrast, obscure or dynamic requirements can lead to significant miscalculations. Vague project goals often lead to scope creep, which can substantially extend timelines. Therefore, ensuring a precise and detailed project scope is essential for accurate estimations.

Team Experience and Skill Level

Due to their extensive experience, a profound team has a deeper understanding of the future implementation and potential setbacks. With their solid expertise, qualified technicians can provide more accurate and often lower estimates compared to a less experienced team.  

Conversely, a less professional team may struggle with comprehending the requirements and challenges, leading to less accurate estimates. The lack of insight can result in higher initial estimates and increased uncertainty, affecting the efficiency of planning and resource allocation. Investing in a skilled team elevates the quality of work and enhances the reliability of your time estimates.

Technology Stack and Tools

Some technologies are designed to streamline development, helping assess and accurately predict project timelines more straightforwardly. Clarity in evaluation enables more precise planning and resource allocation, which, moreover, leads to faster deployment and easier maintenance, accelerating project turnaround times.

Nonetheless, adopting specific tools or technologies may introduce complexities that affect the estimate precision, especially if they are new or unfamiliar to the team. This is because the newly adopted solution stack ensures less accurate assessments of the time and effort required due to the risk of underestimating the project’s complexity. 

As a result, selecting the right technology stack is a critical factor in setting realistic and achievable project milestones. To ensure a thorough evaluation of the most suitable technologies for your project, it’s essential to consult with specialists who have deep expertise in relevant areas. Leveraging outstaffing services can help you bring in this expertise early in the project evaluation phase, ensuring that any potential gaps in knowledge are addressed from the start. This approach provides valuable insights for better decision-making and allows for a smoother transition into implementation when the time comes. 

Historical Data and Past Experiences

Employing historical data and past experiences should be an essential factor that can help refine project estimations. This implies reviewing similar projects so that teams can identify patterns and apply lessons learned to new estimates. A data-driven approach helps recognize potential pitfalls and adjust timelines, respectively. Moreover, using past experiences to inform current estimates increases accuracy and builds a repository of knowledge that can be applied to enhance future projects as well.

Popular Methods for Estimating Software Development Time

Estimating software development time accurately requires a combination of experience, data analysis, and structured techniques. Below are some of the most widely used methods, each with its own strengths and applications. These methods come in handy for you when choosing the right approach for your specific project.

Expert Judgment

Expert judgment is based on the insights and experience of developers with an extensive background to estimate the time required for a project. This method employs the deep comprehension that experts have of the complexities involved in software development, allowing for more accurate predictions, especially in areas where other estimation methods may fall short.


  • Can be highly accurate when the expert has extensive experience with similar projects.
  • Quick to implement since it doesn’t require complex calculations or time-consuming data collection.


  • Highly subjective and dependent on the expert’s experience and knowledge.
  • Prone to biases, such as optimism bias, where the expert underestimates the time required.

Despite its limitations, expert judgment is invaluable for projects requiring new technologies or when historical data is insufficient.

Analogous Estimation

Analogous estimation uses data from similar past projects to predict the time required for a new project. The strategy works best when a significant amount of historical data is available and the current project closely resembles previous ones in scope, complexity, and technology.

Here are some best practices for comparison:

  • Ensure that the compared projects are genuinely similar in core aspects like team size, technology stack, and project objectives.
  • Adjust estimates based on any differences between the current and past projects, such as alterings in team experience or new technological challenges.


  • Relatively quick and easy to apply when accurate historical data is available.
  • Provides a reality-based estimate grounded in past experience.


  • Less effective when there are significant differences between past projects and the current ones.
  • Relies heavily on the accuracy and relevance of historical data.

Parametric Estimation

The parametric estimation uses mathematical models to estimate time-based on project-specific variables. Using metrics and formulas, parametric estimation delivers a more objective and scalable approach to estimation. Put it in practice: you may estimate development milestones according to the lines of code, function points, or other quantifiable measures.

Let’s mention the examples and application scenarios:

  • Estimating time based on the number of user stories in an Agile project, multiplied by the average time spent per story point.
  • Using industry-standard metrics like function points to derive estimates based on historical data.


  • Highly objective, reducing the potential for personal bias.
  • Scalable and applicable across various types of projects, provided the necessary data is available.


  • Requires accurate and relevant data to be effective.
  • Can be complex and time-consuming to set up, especially for organizations without a robust data collection process.

Delphi Technique

The Delphi technique requires gathering estimates from a group of experts and then averaging them to arrive at a consensus. It is an iterative method, as experts revise their estimates after seeing the anonymized predictions of their peers. This leads to a more refined and accurate final software development estimate.

Steps to implement the Delphi method:

  1. Select a group of experts with relevant experience.
  2. Have each expert provide an independent initial estimate.
  3. Share the anonymized estimates with the group, allowing experts to revise their predictions based on the group’s feedback.
  4. Repeat the process until the estimates converge to a consensus.


  • Reduces individual bias by incorporating multiple perspectives.
  • Produces a more accurate software development estimate through iterative refinement.


  • Can be time-consuming due to the multiple rounds of estimation.
  • Requires careful coordination and facilitation to be effective.

Three-Point Estimation

Three-point estimation introduces three scenarios: the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely outcomes. By calculating an average of these three scenarios, you can create a more balanced software development estimate that accounts for uncertainty.

How to calculate using the three-point technique:

  • Optimistic (O): The best-case scenario where everything goes smoothly.
  • Pessimistic (P): The worst-case scenario, where everything that could go wrong does.
  • Most Likely (M): The most realistic estimate based on known factors.

The formula to calculate the estimate is E = (o + 4m + p)/6, where E is the estimate, o is the optimistic output, m is the most likely output, and p is the pessimistic result.


  • Accounts for uncertainty by considering several possible scenarios.
  • Provides a more nuanced estimate than a single-point prediction.


  • Requires more input data, which can be challenging to assemble accurately.
  • The final estimate is still an average, which might not fully capture the complexity of the project.

Planning Poker

Planning Poker is a collaborative, gamified technique used primarily in Agile teams. Within this strategy, team members assign estimates to tasks by playing numbered cards face-down to avoid influencing others. The estimates are then revealed, and if there is a significant discrepancy, the team discusses the reasons and re-estimates until a consensus is reached.

How it works and when to use it:

  • Each team member is given a deck of cards with values representing the time required (e.g., 1, 2, 5, 8 hours).
  • Team members select a card that represents their estimate and reveal their cards simultaneously.
  • If estimates differ significantly, the team discusses the task to grasp different perspectives and re-estimates.


  • Promotes cohesive team collaboration and discussion, resulting in a shared understanding of the tasks.
  • Helps figure out hidden complexities and differing assumptions early in the estimation process.


  • Can be time-consuming, especially for larger projects with many smaller tasks.
  • May not be suitable for very large or complex projects where more structured methods are needed.

Challenges in Software Development Time Estimation

Software development time estimation incorporates a range of challenges, such as incomplete requirements, unexpected technical issues, human factors, cognitive biases, and many others. Awareness of these challenges allows project managers and teams to enhance the accuracy of their estimates, facilitating better project outcomes. You can also easily avoid these obstacles by reaching out to a reliable IT vendor with a robust background to calculate the cost of offshore software development reasonably.

Incomplete Requirements

One of the most complicated challenges in software development time estimation is dealing with incomplete or changing requirements. At the beginning of a project, stakeholders often have an obscure idea of what they want, leading to requirements that are either vague, need to be clarified, or subject to change. This lack of clarity can profoundly impact your software development estimate. 

When requirements are not fully defined, developers are forced to make assumptions about what the final product should look like. Without a doubt, the assumptions may differ for each specialist engaged in the project, which can significantly lead to underestimation or overestimation of the time needed if the project scope expands as the development progresses. Scope creep, where additional features or modifications are implemented after the project has started, is a common cause of incomplete requirements, further complicating the estimation process.

Unforeseen Technical Issues

Even with meticulous planning, unpredicted technical issues can occur during the development process, derailing your initially set plans. These issues may arise from unexpected difficulties with third-party integrations, unprojected performance bottlenecks, or compatibility problems with legacy systems.

While often necessary, introducing new technology or tools can also introduce challenges and further time consumption. For example, a new programming language might have a steeper learning curve than anticipated, or a novel software framework might contain bugs that need to be apparent during the initial evaluation. These technical setbacks can cause significant delays, particularly if they require reworking parts of the project or necessitate additional efforts for research and development. 

Human Factors

Human factors, such as team dynamics, fatigue, and motivation, play a substantial part in software development time estimation. Even the most skilled and high-performing team can struggle if inspiration is low or if the workload is overwhelming.

Fatigue and tiredness can drastically reduce productivity. Extended periods of intense work without sufficient breaks can lead to burnout, increasing the possibility of mistakes and slowing down the development workflows. Poor team dynamics, such as conflicts between team members or a lack of collaboration, can further damage the team’s productivity and ensure an inaccurate software development estimate of the project. Motivation is another critical factor. An enthusiastic, inspired team wrapped in a friendly environment is obviously more likely to meet deadlines and deliver top-quality outputs. In contrast, a disengaged team may struggle to stay on track. 

Estimation Bias

A common yet often overlooked challenge in software development time estimation is estimation bias. For example, diverse opinions, like a view of the project that is too positive, can lead technicians to underestimate the time required to carry out a task, believing that everything will go smoothly and according to the roadmap. Of course, this rule works both ways, so pessimism bias can also bring in some imprecision and cause overestimation, where software engineers predict more issues than are likely to occur. 

Another form of bias is anchoring, where primary estimates excessively influence subsequent ones, even if new details suggest those estimates were off the mark. This can lead to a reluctance to adjust time estimates as the project progresses, delivering unrealistic timelines. 

Best Practices for Improving Time Estimation Accuracy

Let’s dive into the best practices to create a solid backbone for more reliable and effective project management. It can significantly enhance the accuracy of your software development time estimates, elevate your project planning, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within the initially formed startup software development cost.  

Break Down the Project into Smaller Tasks

One of the most effective techniques to improve estimation accuracy is breaking the project down into smaller, easily manageable tasks. This process, also known as task decomposition, allows you to evaluate each project component standalone, making it easier to estimate the time required for each element separately. By dividing the project into comprehensive tasks, you reduce the risk of overlooking significant details and can allocate resources more effectively. Besides, smaller-scale tasks are less prone to estimation errors as they comprise fewer variables and unknowns. This approach enhances the accuracy and improves your project management by providing a more precise roadmap for the team.

Use Historical Data Effectively

Benefitting from historical data is another tried-and-true approach for improving time estimation accuracy. Your previous projects can equip you with valuable data, helping you identify a template, patterns, and trends that inform your current estimations. Building a repository of past project data is essential; a database should involve details such as the time taken for similar tasks, the challenges encountered, and the outcomes. When faced with a new project, you can reference this repository to compare similar tasks or projects, providing a more informed starting point for your software development time estimation. Over time, as your database grows, your estimations will become increasingly accurate, offering better planning and resource allocation.

Continuous Review and Adjustment

Time estimation is not a one-time task; it requires continuous review and adjustment throughout the project lifecycle. As the project progresses, new information and challenges will emerge, making it mandatory to revisit and refine your initial software development estimate. Regularly reviewing your estimates against actual progress allows you to adjust timelines and resource allocation as needed. In this case, an iterative approach ensures that your project stays on track even as circumstances change. Apart from that, continuous review allows you to identify potential issues early, allowing you to address them before they escalate into major problems.

Incorporate Buffer Time

Incorporating buffer time, or contingency time, into your software development estimate is an excellent practice for managing uncertainty. No matter how thorough your planning, unexpected issues are bound to occur during the development flow. That’s why it is a wise decision to include a buffer, so you create a safety net that can absorb delays caused by unprojected challenges, such as technical difficulties or modifications in project scope. The key here is to achieve a time balance: too little buffer time may leave you vulnerable to setbacks and unmet milestones, while too much can lead to cut-down productivity. A well-calculated buffer ensures that your project remains on schedule, even in the face of the unexpected.

Communicate Clearly with Stakeholders

Clear communication with stakeholders sets realistic expectations and maintains transparency throughout the project implementation. From the outset, it’s essential to engage stakeholders in the estimation processes, ensuring they understand the factors influencing the timeline and the inherent uncertainties. It is equally vital to update stakeholders on project progress and any changes to the timeline so you can manage their views and avoid potential conflicts. Transparent communication establishes trust among all engaged parties and ensures that everyone has shared thoughts on the project’s goals and challenges, resulting in a more collaborative and successful outcome.

Tools and Software for Estimating Software Development Time

Accurate software development estimate requires the right tools to support the process. Various software tools are designed to help teams plan, track, and refine their project timelines, making the estimation process more structured and data-driven. Time-tested project management tools like JIRA and Microsoft Project have come in handy in this domain, each presenting outstanding features tailored to different project needs.


JIRA is widely adopted in Agile environments for task tracking and software development time estimation. It allows teams to break down projects into smaller tasks, estimate time at the task level, and adjust these calculations as the project progresses. JIRA’s flexibility, extensive customization options, and integration with other tools make it useful for Agile teams. In case you’re wondering how to reduce software development costs, JIRA is an excellent subscription-based solution that allows you to scale the features and services you employ. However, its complexity can be a disadvantage for smaller teams or newcomers to Agile methodology.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a solid tool that offers robust project management and time estimation features. It’s particularly suited for projects of a more extensive scale that require detailed planning and resource management. Microsoft Project allows for Gantt chart visualization, which helps track project timelines and adjust estimates on the go. Still, getting familiar with its functionality requires higher costs and some time, which may be unsuitable for smaller teams or more straightforward projects.


When comparing these tools, the pros and cons become evident. 

  • JIRA is excellent for Agile teams that need flexibility and deep integration with other tools, but it can be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with its interface;
  • Microsoft Project is ideal for detailed project planning and management but may be overkill for smaller projects and is less intuitive for users unfamiliar with its extensive features.
FeatureJIRAMicrosoft Project
Primary use caseAgile project management and task trackingDetailed project planning and resource management
Ease of useModerate to complex; more suitable for Agile teams with some experienceComplex; steep learning curve, particularly for beginners
Time estimationAllows time estimation at the task and sub-task level; supports iterative updates as the project evolvesDetailed time estimation at the task, resource, and project levels; supports timeline adjustments via Gantt charts
CustomizationHighly customizable workflows, issue types, and fields; integrates well with other tools like Confluence and BitbucketCustomizable project plans, but less flexibility in workflow management compared to JIRA
Integration capabilitiesExtensive integrations with other tools (e.g., GitHub, Slack, Jenkins); APIs available for custom integrationsIntegrates well with other Microsoft products (e.g., Excel, SharePoint, Teams); limited third-party integrations
VisualizationSupports Kanban and Scrum boards; offers burndown charts and other Agile-specific visual toolsGantt charts, critical path analysis, and resource allocation graphs; strong emphasis on timeline visualization
Collaboration featuresReal-time collaboration through comments, notifications, and dashboardsCollaboration through Microsoft Teams integration; shared project plans
ReportingOffers detailed, customizable reports, including sprint reports, velocity charts, and time-tracking reportsComprehensive reporting tools with a focus on resource allocation, project progress, and timeline tracking
Learning curveModerate; requires some understanding of Agile principlesBest suited for experienced project managers
ScalabilityHighly scalable; suitable for both small teams and large enterprisesGreat for large, complex projects; overkill for small, simple projects
CostSubscription-based; pricing depends on the number of users and desired featuresTypically higher cost; subscription-based or one-time purchase with additional costs for advanced features
SupportExtensive online community, official documentation, and paid support optionsComprehensive support options through Microsoft, including training programs and online resources
Best forAgile teams needing flexibility and extensive customizationLarge organizations requiring detailed project planning and resource management
DrawbacksComplexity can be overwhelming for small teams or those new to AgileHigh cost and complexity; may be too advanced for simple projects
JIRA vs. Microsoft Project

The choice of the right estimation tool should be primarily based on your project’s specific needs. Microsoft Project may be the appropriate choice if your project requires detailed tracking and resource management. For Agile teams focused on flexibility and iterative development, JIRA is a solid option. Consider factors such as team size, project complexity, and budget when selecting the tool that aligns best with your mobile or web project goals.

Case Studies

Let’s now consider some success stories of projects that can serve as examples of accurate time estimation resulting in project success.

A prime example is the development of the Spotify music streaming platform. Spotify’s approach to Agile, known as the Spotify Model, is unique in that it prioritizes autonomy and organizes teams based on tasks rather than following a rigid set of instructions, unlike other frameworks like SAFe. Following such a flexible model and employing in-depth estimation techniques, Spotify’s development team was able to deliver features quickly while adapting to changing requirements. The team thus achieved a successful and timely launch of their initial product, facilitating rapid iterations and continuous improvements. 

When talking about the poor project estimate, Windows Vista is the case to consider. Poor estimation of development time and complexity resulted in repeated delays and a product that was not well-received due to performance issues. These cases highlight the importance of realistic time estimation, thorough risk assessment, and continuous review throughout the project lifecycle.


Profound software development time estimation is essential for successful project management. Accurate estimates are founded on the understanding of critical factors such as project scope, team experience, and technology stack. It’s highly recommended to use a combination of methods like Three-Point Estimation, Expert Judgment, and Planning Poker, which can significantly enhance estimation accuracy. Regularly review your past projects and break down tasks into smaller components to extract maximum valuable knowledge from your previous cases and adapt to dynamic project flows.

Ongoing learning and skill progress in estimation practices are also vital. You should also keep an eye on project technologies, as they elaborate continually, and some of the newly presented tools can skyrocket your timelines estimation. Refine your approach consistently to minimize errors and maximize your project’s success.

Apply these estimation techniques to your next project to see tangible improvements in planning and execution. Explore further resources on time estimation, and consider implementing the best practices discussed to enhance your project outcomes. Remember that you can always benefit from the PLANEKS team – we will consult you on your software development time estimate with pleasure and take over all of your complex calculations to deliver realistic and accurate calculations and start the implementation as soon as possible. Let’s start the estimation of your software development project today to turn it into a prosperous and sought-after product tomorrow. 

What is the best method for software development time estimation?

There isn’t a universal method for software development time estimation, as the most effective approach depends on the project’s nature and context. Yet, Three-Point Estimation and Expert Judgment are widely regarded as reliable methods. 

  • Three-point estimation considers the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely scenarios, providing a balanced estimate. 
  • Expert Judgment leverages the experience of seasoned developers to forecast realistic timelines. 

You may also adopt and combine multiple methods, such as Planning Poker in Agile settings or Analogous Estimation for projects with historical parallels (depending on what’s most relevant to your project). This drives the most accurate results and efficient implementation.

How can I improve my time estimation skills?

Improving your time estimation skills requires a mix of experience, continuous learning, and the right tools. Start by analyzing past projects to understand where estimates went wrong and what worked well. Breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable components also makes estimation more accessible and more accurate. Regularly engage in practice exercises such as estimating fictitious projects or use methods like Planning Poker in a team setting. Last but not least, seek feedback from the other industry players and learn from their experiences. With consistent practice in the question of how to estimate time for software development, the accuracy of your results will progress steadily.

How do you handle estimation in Agile projects?

In Agile projects, you can estimate the time required for a software development project with an iterative process that changes dynamically with the project. Techniques like Planning Poker are commonly adopted, where team members collaboratively estimate effort in story points rather than time, facilitating discussion and consensus. It’s crucial to break down user stories into seamlessly manageable tasks to enhance accuracy. Regular Sprint Retrospectives allow teams to boost their estimation techniques based on completed work. Primarily, Agile is all about flexibility, so software development time estimation should be continually revisited and adjusted as the project progresses, ensuring they remain aligned with the project’s modifying needs.

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