FemTech Software Development Services


Custom FemTech Software Development Outsourcing

medical software and hardware
When ordering our femtech software development services, you are guaranteed to get cutting-edge solutions catering to delicate female health, wellness, and education needs. PLANEKS is ready to equip you with a certified tech team that incorporates IT expertise with across-the-board industry-specific competence. Supporting women’s welfare, we know how to create top-tier products that help effectively control their medical state. Our developers specialize in creating solutions tailored to intimate wellness nuances with the power of the newest technologies. Cooperate with a team that ensures a user-centric design and flawless product performance to redefine the femtech landscape and bring access to personalized well-being solutions for women globally.

What we offer

Our Services

Partnership with PLANEKS ensures end-to-end software solutions covering product ideation, fast and flexible development, seamless integration, as well as ongoing maintenance for your femtech endeavors. We deliver solid software solutions that assist users in tracking their well-being with their devices.


Product Ideation and Conceptualization

At our femtech company, we begin our cohesive cooperation by comprehensively examining your vision and objectives. Our experienced team collaborates with you to ideate and conceptualize outstanding and robust solutions that fit the unique needs of the business and femtech industry. The PLANEKS software engineers focus on aligning technology with the delicate peculiarities of women's health, leveraging their domain expertise to ensure a fully-fledged product that resonates with your target audience. From brainstorming sessions to preparing in-depth technical requirements and development roadmap, we establish the base for a prosperous product that meets the requirements in the femtech landscape.

Agile Development and Iterative Testing

Having the solidified concept on hand, our development flow continues with high performance accompanied by Agile methodologies at its core. We break down the project into manageable increments, introducing the opportunity for continuous feedback loops and accelerated iterations. Sticking to this approach, we guarantee that your femtech solution elaborates organically, adapting to dynamic requirements and market changes throughout the process. Our team is adept at following Agile principles to optimize the development process, cut down risks, and supply you with high-quality software within earlier set milestones. Via regular demonstrations and test-driven development practices, we maintain transparency and accountability at every stage of the project lifecycle.

Integration with Health Data Platforms, IoT Devices, and Wearables

Our femtech software development company is experienced in catering to interconnected healthcare ecosystems and executing seamless integration for femtech solutions. In particular, we specialize in integrating our products with a wide range of health data platforms, IoT devices, and wearables. Whether it's syncing menstrual cycle data with fitness trackers or interfacing with electronic health records (EHR) systems, we ensure interoperability and data integrity across diverse environments. Our team leverages APIs, SDKs, and custom protocols to facilitate smooth data exchange, empowering users to harness the full potential of their digital health ecosystem.

Continuous Support, Maintenance, and Updates

Our contributions to your success surpass the mere deployment of your femtech product. We provide meticulous support, maintenance, and updates, delivering optimal performance and user satisfaction over time. Our dedicated support team is available round-the-clock to handle technical challenges and performance flaws, eliminate bugs, and implement enhancements as needed. Apart from that, we essentially keep up with the constant progress of tech trends and advancements in the femtech space, efficiently upgrading your software to incorporate the latest features and functionalities. With regular patches, upgrades, and performance optimizations, you can be sure that your investment is safeguarded and your femtech software is kept ahead of the curve.

Hire FemTech Software Developers


Our Approach

By hiring our femtech company, you obtain a comprehensive approach to creating innovative femtech solutions that meet the special necessities, whether you’re a startup or an established business in the industry. Our approach is founded on the four core principles.

Expertise in Developing User-Friendly, Secure, and Scalable FemTech Solutions

Customer experience is critical in the femtech sector, where the audience seeks intuitive, accessible, and empowering tech tools to monitor their health and wellness. Our user-centric design and software engineering expertise allow us to implement femtech solutions that are intuitive, secure, and scalable. Qualified specialists from PLANEKS employ time-tested practices to seamless experiences across web, mobile, and IoT platforms. You are welcome to use our services, such as designing intuitive interfaces, implementing robust security measures, or streamlining performance for scalability. We prioritize excellence in every aspect of our software development process, making our clients’ projects successful.

Emphasis on Privacy, Data Security, and Regulatory Compliance

Users entrust their sensitive health data, and we take this responsibility first. Our approach emphasizes privacy, data security, and regulatory compliance at every development lifecycle stage. We adhere to standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) securing private data for EU users, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that regulates healthcare data safety in the USA, as well as industry-specific compliance requirements. From implementing encryption protocols to executing thorough security audits, we leverage a multi-layered strategy to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your users. Data ethics and regulatory adherence allow our clients to infuse user and stakeholder confidence, establishing long-term relationships built on trust and integrity.


Our Solutions

At PLANEKS, we can implement and deliver a comprehensive suite of bespoke solutions aimed to support women in taking solid management of their health and well-being. Our offerings are tailored to address the diverse necessities of women’s health.


Women’s Health Diagnostics & Tracking Solutions

You can order the development of advanced software solutions focused on introducing health, wellness, and education among women. The products we can build comprise intuitive web apps for tracking physical activity, monitoring menstrual cycles, and a range of other aspects of women's health. Such software leverages the latest technologies to ensure personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and educational content tailored to individual needs. These products effectively assist women in tracking and fully comprehending their health metrics, as well as facilitating informed decision-making and more conscious management of well-being.

Portable Devices

Our experience extends beyond the development of traditional software solutions to incorporate a great diversity of wearable devices, IoT gadgets, and portable technologies. These devices seamlessly integrate into users' daily lives, offering handy, user-friendly solutions for enhancing personal intimacy. Leveraging advanced solutions, such as remote control features, customizable settings, and connectivity to wearable devices, our software can redefine the boundaries of personal wellness and empowerment. Aside from fulfilling their intended purpose, we prioritize user comfort, safety, and satisfaction in every aspect of design and functionality.


Telemedicine has become a vital tool for remotely consulting with healthcare professionals, which is nowadays an option many customers choose. We are profound in developing telemedicine platforms that will cater specifically to female health needs, offering secure and convenient channels for virtual consultations with gynecologists, obstetricians, and other specialized practitioners. Bespoke platforms that we can create will facilitate timely access to expert advice, diagnosis, and treatment options, regardless of geographic limits, through video calls, chat functionalities, and remote monitoring capabilities. By filling the gap between patients and vendors, we assist women in seeking timely care and support for their health concerns in a highly convenient way.

Educational Platforms

Education is critical to supporting informed decisions when taking care of women’s health. For this, we can design educational platforms that provide comprehensive resources on various aspects of women's health, covering topics such as reproductive health, personal hygiene, sexual wellness, and more. Through useful content, interactive modules, and expert insights, we aim to raise awareness, dispel myths, and promote positive attitudes towards women's health. Thus, you can order educational platforms to empower women to advocate for their own well-being and contribute to a healthier, more informed society.

Medical Devices

We specialize in developing innovative medical devices and technologies to address intimate health conditions and improve overall well-being. The range of medical devices we can connect to your software includes wearable sensors, electrical stimulation devices, health diagnostic instruments, and more, all designed to provide efficient and seamless solutions for women's health concerns. The latest biotechnology and sensor technology advancements allow us to create tailored products to offer accurate monitoring, targeted therapy, and personalized insights to support proactive health management and treatment outcomes.
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Why Choose PLANEKS as Your FemTech Software Development Company?

Our Advantages

Deep Understanding of FemTech Market Trends and User Behaviors

You will get a credible offshore IT vendor with a profound understanding of the femtech market industry, and its challenges, comprising progressing trends, changing user behaviors, and unmet needs within the industry. To achieve this, our team continuously monitors market dynamics, carries out in-depth research, and analyzes user feedback to ensure competitive advantage and anticipate future demands. Based on the insights we have examined, we design bespoke solutions that resonate with users, ensure engagement retention, and ensure tangible value in the femtech market.

Experienced Developers, Designers, and Healthcare Experts

Our professional femtech software development company comprises trustworthy experts with diverse tech specializations and healthcare domain knowledge. With PLANEKS, you receive a team that brings together the true talents to deliver exceptional results. Our essential technicians are at your disposal, from skilled developers proficient in the newest technologies to creative designers who know how to ensure user-centric design principles. Moreover, our team includes tech experts with deep knowledge of the healthcare industry. They provide valuable insights and ensure solutions meet the femtech niche's highest quality, safety, and regulatory compliance standards.

Commitment to Quality and Innovation

Quality and innovation are at the core of everything we do. We adhere to comprehensive Quality Assurance processes and best practices to guarantee that our FemTech solutions meet and exceed industry standards. Our rigorous testing protocols, coupled with continuous optimization efforts, provide excellence in every aspect of the product. This way, you will receive the highest quality services at the maximum value for money.

Competitive Pricing and Flexible Engagement Models

We fully understand the vitality of cost-effectiveness and flexibility in FemTech software development. That's why at PLANEKS, you can get competitive pricing structures and flexible engagement models tailored to meet your budget and project requirements. In case you're a startup with limited resources or an established enterprise facing the need for highly scalable solutions, we are ready to help you find a pricing plan and engagement model that aligns with your financial objectives and strategic goals. Our transparent pricing and flexible terms ensure that you get the best value for your investment and an excellent software product.
Case studies

Proud projects make us excel


What do people praise about PLANEKS?

You are all set to start and offer your outstanding contribution to the femtech industry while we’re here to support you every step of the software development way. Our team from Eastern Europe is ready to collaborate with you to turn your vision into reality, delivering innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of women’s health.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you develop cutting-edge femtech software solutions, drive meaningful advancements in women’s health, and achieve your business goals. Let’s start your unique project together and make a difference in the lives of women worldwide. Book a call today, and let’s create a healthier, more efficient future together!

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    healthcare software on a screen