Why Should You Use Python for Web Development?

python web development

With the rise of web development popularity, Python gained huge value in recent years. Being particularly suited for web product implementation, it offers a wide range of tools and solutions to ensure. According to Gitnux, Python is the fastest-growing core programming language, with 28.3% usage among developers. Globally, Python is the most popular language in 2023, elaborating most powerfully in the last 5 years (+7.8%), as the same source claims. It comprises a fully-fledged variety of libraries and frameworks. Why use Python for web development? Let’s determine the reasons why this programming language is an excellent option for web development and how it can elaborate your project.

Suitable for high-load projects

Python prioritizes scalability and performance within web development which is a valuable characteristic for high-load web solutions. Such solid frameworks as Django and Flask aim at handling heavy traffic and large datasets. These tools optimize Python’s capabilities and provide efficient solutions for scaling challenges. Needless to say, the best Python web development framework can be determined in your case by a trustworthy tech vendor according to your individual requirements.

Aside from that, Python’s solidity is further enhanced by its ability to integrate with other programming languages. It can perfectly work with C and Java with the opportunity to leverage existing codebases or take advantage of performance optimizations in specific areas.

Highly secure

Security is a core aspect of web development, especially in domains where the processing of customer-sensitive data is assumed. For this requirement, Python provides several features that enhance the security of web applications. Its standard library comprises modules for secure communications, such as SSL/TLS, encryption, and hashing. These built-in modules simplify the implementation of secure communication protocols and data encryption. 

Python’s strong community keeps working on new security solutions to ensure high protection and compliance to web applications. The open-source nature of the language implies software engineers worldwide actively contributing to identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities. Therefore, timely updates and patches can be released to address any discovered issues promptly. 

Easily scalable

As your user base expands, it is vital to ensure your product to cope with increasing traffic and data. Python offers a robust performance opportunity through its solid and constantly enhancing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, allowing the development team to handle growing audiences and expanding requirements efficiently. It’s important to highlight that Python integrates smoothly with cloud infrastructure providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. These platforms offer scalable infrastructure services, such as load balancers, auto-scaling, and containerization, which can be easily utilized with Python.

Python-powered frameworks handle many common tasks and provide mechanisms for smoothly adapting the web app’s performance as needed. In practice, Django provides features like database connection pooling, caching, and load balancing, which help successfully process the growing traffic and large datasets without affecting the user experience.

Powers frameworks for various needs

The ecosystem is another answer to the question of why is Python used in web development. It offers a wide range of frameworks that can efficiently address different web development requirements. In contrast to the other programming languages, Python has a more advantageous and valuable ecosystem than PHP and C++, as its offerings are known for their breadth. 

For instance, Django is a full-featured framework that sticks to the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It significantly streamlines the implementation of sophisticated web applications by delivering pre-built components and handling many regular activities referred to URL routing, database management, and user authentication. 

Flask is another popular Python framework. As a micro-framework, it focuses on simplicity and minimalism, delivering a lightweight and flexible way to build web applications. Flask is valued for its high customization allowing software engineers to choose the components they need for a specific project. A broad spectrum of other frameworks like Pyramid, CherryPy, and Tornado offer different levels of complexity and specialization, ensuring options to match the project requirements and business objectives. 

These were just several examples of existing frameworks based on Python. Regardless of the project size and complexity, a reliable custom Python web development company will pick the appropriate tools to fit the peculiarities of your business case.

Provides many additional libraries

Python incorporates a diverse collection of additional libraries that substantially refine web development capabilities. Offering more than 300,000 packages available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), Python accesses a wide choice of features and instruments. The most actively used existing libraries cover tasks such as data processing and analysis (NumPy, Pandas), web scraping (Beautiful Soup), Machine Learning (TensorFlow, Scikit-learn), natural language processing (NLTK, spaCy), and many others. These additional libraries decrease time-to-market and cut down the development efforts by providing functionalities for general tasks, resulting in high-performant and feature-rich web applications.

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Wide workforce worldwide

The community of Python keeps putting effort and enthusiasm into this programming language’s advancement. Statista states that were 15.7 million Python developers in 2022. The availability of credible and qualitative Python software development services is a significant advantage for businesses and companies seeking to hire or partner with professionals proficient in web development. Moreover, Python’s vast adoption across numerous sectors, covering Healthcare, eSports, eCommerce, and others, has enforced the expansion of its workforce. Many educational institutions and coding boot camps also prioritize teaching Python due to its beginner-friendly concept and versatility. As a result, there is a huge global pool of fresh talent in the job market with Python skills.

Python’s worldwide usage ensures a diverse workforce with developers hailing from different backgrounds and regions. This diversity brings solid perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, bringing tech elaboration within Python professionals.

Finding developers for your web development projects is relatively easier compared to niche or less popular programming languages. The thriving Python community also plays a crucial role in supporting the workforce, providing guidance, sharing knowledge, and collaborating on projects through various online platforms, forums, and communities. Python’s popularity has resulted in a wealth of learning resources, documentation, and tutorials helping both newcomers and skilled developers to acquire knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

High development speed

Python’s accelerated development speed is a huge value when it comes to the web development process. The language’s conciseness and clean syntax enable writing code more rapidly, increasing the team’s productivity. Python puts readability first, which helps developers easily comprehend and modify their code as needed, resulting in a sped-up software development lifecycle. Furthermore, Python’s robust ecosystem of libraries and frameworks covered above ensures features for a huge number of web development tasks. This helps experts faster implement prototypes and iterate on web applications, boosting the implementation flow and reducing time to market, which are undeniable advantages of Python for web development.

Flexible and customizable

Other benefits of Python for web development are its high flexibility and customizability, which allow tailoring the web development flow to specific needs and approaches of the specific project. It is versatile, which enables developers to follow various programming paradigms like procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. 

Customization opportunities of Python are also enriched through its wide variety of libraries, frameworks, and tools. Consequently, developers can choose from a list of options to build their web applications, depending on the specific requirements of the projects. Python’s flexibility and customization capabilities make it a beneficial choice in the ability to adapt and enhance web applications, meeting the ever-changing requirements of the market and users. Python allows the implementation of unique features, streamlines performance, and meets specific business demands, aligning precisely with the set goals.

Easy to maintain 

Python’s simplicity conditions high ease of maintenance, in particular, when it comes to legacy code. Developers can easily work with existing codebases that have been developed using previous versions of Python or even by other teams within a period of time. Python’s design principles, such as readability and explicitness, make it easier to understand and maintain such code.  The Python community provides a range of resources, documentation, and forums available to deliver guidance on maintaining older codebases and implementing necessary updates or modifications.

Moreover, Python’s backward compatibility guarantees that code written in previous versions of the language can still run on the latest versions with often minimal changes required. This decreases the chance of introducing performance errors, bugs, or breaking functionality during maintenance activities. Python enthusiasts also put effort into supporting and updating older libraries, ensuring compatibility and smooth integration with existing codebases.

The testing frameworks and solutions offered by Python, such as unit test and pytest, boost the testing procedures as well as validate modifications introduced to legacy code. These tools enable to automate the Quality Assurance flow that assures the integrity and functionality of the codebase throughout the maintenance process.

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Proven by famous companies

The value and reliability of Python web development are proven by its adoption and active utilization by a range of famous corporations. Several globally popular companies have spanned over Python for their web development efforts showcasing its robustness and flexibility in real market environments.

One prosperous example is Instagram, one of the global giants with its social media platform. Instagram’s backend infrastructure is built primarily using Python and Django. Python’s versatility and Django’s robustness have allowed Instagram to handle the growing number of photo uploads, user interactions, and data processing tasks effectively.

Another widely-used service leveraging Python is YouTube. It relies on Python for various backend systems, covering content recommendation algorithms, analytics, and video processing. Python’s scalability and solid ecosystem have played a vital role in serving YouTube’s massive user base and overcoming the complexities of video sharing and streaming.

Netflix, the popular streaming platform, also applies Python. It employs Python for various purposes, such as managing its content delivery network, data analysis, and machine learning algorithms for personalized user experience and individual recommendations. Large-scale data processing possible with Python has become integral for Netflix to deliver a high-quality streaming roadmap to millions of users all over the world.

Companies like Google, Dropbox, Spotify, and Reddit have integrated Python into their development stacks due to its reliability, productivity, and the availability of extensive libraries and frameworks that streamline web product implementation and support.

Python’s power for web development is recognizable and is appreciated by numerous leading companies. Many businesses and organizations requiring to implement robust and efficient web applications have embraced Python for their web app development due to its scalability, adaptiveness, and customization opportunities. 

We at PLANEKS are profound in delivering Python web development services and helping our customers reach their business goals. Our dedicated team of qualified software engineers will eagerly assist you in bringing all your ideas into one fully-fledged Python web product. Become a market leader in your niche today – contact us to discover the benefits of Python for web development within your project.

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